The ECC (Economic Coordination Committee) under the federal cabinet held a meeting on 6th March under the chairmanship of Federal Finance Minister Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Dar for the approval of Hajj Policy 2023 and agreement for providing $90 million foreign exchange cover for Hajj-related operations.PIA Hajj flight cost 2023.

Hajj Policy 2023:

The Hajj Policy 2023 summary was delivered by the Minister of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony, Mr. Mufti Addul Shakoor. Moreover, according to the policy Pakistan's Hajj quota for 2023 is 179,210, which needs to be distributed between the private Hajj scheme program and the government hajj scheme program.

Government Hajj 2023 Package Price:

According to a statement by the finance minister Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Dar, the Hajj scheme program will be divided under a 50:50 ratio for this year. Furthermore, a 50% quota will be reserved under the ‘Sponsorship Scheme’ program. 
The proposed Hajj program package for the northern region was declared to be Rs.1,175,000/ and for the south region to be Rs.1,165,000/-. 

Dollar Reserve Shortage:

Due to Pakistan's current economic crisis situation, the government decided to reserve half of its Hajj scheme quota for Pakistani citizens living abroad in order to save $400 million outflow from the country. 
According to the finance minister Mr. Ishaq Dar, despite Saudi Arabia providing Pakistan with their pre-pandemic Hajj quota comprising 179,210 pilgrims, the government cannot bear the massive capital investment costs involved. 

50% Hajj Quota for Foreign Pakistani Residents:

The Pakistan government, considering the current economic constraints, allowed half quota, or 89,605, to be offered concerning nonresident Pakistani citizens. Moreover, foreign Pakistani citizens could either avail the offered quota for themselves or sponsor their relatives or friends from Pakistan as stated by the government officials. 
Furthermore, the government officials stressed that approximately $400 million expense regarding Hajj program could be reduced by offering foreign Pakistani people half of the hajj quota provided by Saudi Arabia.